The Home Team
The Home Team
Serving Tigers everywhere.
The Alumni Association staff, along with the Board of Directors and Alumni Council, strives daily to enhance your lifelong connections to Clemson. We work diligently to keep you well informed and up to date on all things relating to your University. Our goal is to provide resources that unite Tigers across all majors, ages and geographic locations.
A family of over 135,000 strong, the Clemson Alumni Association has been a non-dues-paying, inclusive organization since 1896 and is made up of all who have completed at least a semester enrolled as a Clemson student.
Through collaboration with University colleges, departments and our exceptional volunteers, we are dedicated to ensuring that your Clemson degree is ranked among the finest in the nation. The Alumni Council and Board of Directors assist the association in these goals. The council consists of representatives from our numerous Clemson Clubs and special interest groups as well as each college and University board. They provide leadership for our organization while ensuring the inclusion of opinions and perspectives of alumni across a broad spectrum. The Alumni Association Board of Directors, elected to three-year terms by the Alumni Council, supply insight and direction on programs and initiatives, strategic planning, governing policies, and financial audit and review.
The Alumni Association, the Council and Board of Directors serve as your voice in all matters relating to the advancement of your University. If you would like to provide any feedback or get involved with the Alumni Association, please feel free to contact us at any time at 864-656-2345 or email
Alumni Association Board of Directors
Danny E. Gregg ’71, President
Sandy Edge ’72, President Elect
Ann W. Hunter ’80, ’82, Immediate Past President
John N. “Nicky” McCarter Jr. ’80, Clemson University Board of Trustees
Larry Sloan ’74, Clemson University Foundation
Fred Faircloth III ’72, IPTAY
Josh Bell ’08
Wil Brasington ’00, Ex-Officio
Michael Coakley ’91
Mary Kathryn Dempsey ’08
Mark Derrick ’91
Mike Dowling ’93
Patsy DuPre ’80
Alex “Bud” Hicklin ’85
Joe Hood ’97
Heather Jones ’97, ’12
Heather Mitsopoulos ’03
Brian J. O’Rourke ’83, ’85, Ex-Officio
Mary Ann “MA” Prater ’78, ’83
Mac Renfro ’87
Ron Taylor ’65
Alumni Association Staff
Administrative Staff
Wil Brasington, Executive Director of Alumni Relations
Cassie Boggs, Executive Assistant/HR Budget Officer
Engagement Team
Bubba Britton, Associate Executive Director for Engagement
Lesley Horton, Director of Engagement
Helen Mitchell, Director of Engagement
Patrick Sapp, Director of Engagement/Development Officer
Stewart Summers, Director of Engagement
Gloria Bashnan, Administrative Coordinator
Business Development
Randy Boatwright, Director of Business Development and Facilities
Development and Alumni Marketing
Deborah Cremer, Director of Alumni Career Services and Special Initiatives
Dana Morgan, Associate Executive Director for Marketing and Special Initiatives
Megan McDow, Administrative Coordinator
Bonnie Muth, Receptionist