Honorary Alumni

The Clemson Alumni Association is Now Accepting Nominations for The Honorary Alumnus/a Award

The distinction of Honorary Alumnus/a is a special recognition intended for steadfast Tiger supporters whose “blood runs orange” but who never attended Clemson. Nominations open October 15th and close January 31st each year.

Only nominations submitted through the official online form will be accepted. Please note that a minimum of three accompanying letters of support are required for each nomination, one of which must be from the nominator. Resumes, if readily available, may also be included as supporting documentation. Each submission must not exceed ten total pages, which includes the official nomination form itself (typically 3-4 pages).

Any alumnus/a of Clemson University may nominate a person to be an Honorary Alumnus/a. Applicants will be judged based on an individual’s outstanding service to Clemson and/or the Alumni Association, lifelong devotion to Clemson University and demonstrated loyalty to Clemson and the Alumni Association.

Clemson Alumni seal
Jan Childress McCrary accepting the Honorary Alumni award
Karen Chapman accepting honorary alumni award
Karen Chapman accepting honorary alumni award

Past Recipients

Dorothy Abbott
Sybil Albert
Willard Albert
L. Alford
John Allison
Beth Anderson
Bill Atchley
Mark Avent
Gertrude Bailey
Charlie Barker
Marcia Barker
William Barker
Robert Barkley
W. Barnett
Phillip Batson
Larry Bauer
Margaret Behrend
J. Black
Mary Black
James Blanton
Tim Bourret
Robert Bowen
Mark Bradley
Mary Dalby Bradley
Joel Brawley
Dannion Brinkley
Dewey Brock
Edgar Brown
Harmon Broyles
Marlin Bruner
James Burns
James Byrnes
Andrew Bernard “Andy” Cajka Jr.
Creighton Calhoun
F. Calhoun
Louise Camp
Silvia Siboldi Carroll
Peter Carodemos
Karen Chapman
Elwyn Clarke
Beth S. Clements
Dr. James P. Clements
F. Clinkscales
Josh Cody
Edward Coker
Gilbeart Collings
Robert Cooper
Robert “Bobby” Couch Jr.
James Cowie
Mark Crammer
Katy Crouch
Sydney Crouch
Joseph Cummins
Donald Curtis
D. Daniel
Charles Daniel
David Daniel
Gene Darby
Dr. Delphine Dean
Peggy Deane
Dave Dryden
William Durham
Samuel Earle
Louise Edwards
Clifton Egan
James Ensley
Carl Epting
Tennie Farmer
Milton Farrar
Herman Felder
Frank Ferguson
Bernard Fernow
Wallace Ferrier
Harold Foster
James Freeman
Robert Galiano
Benjamin Gardner
Candice “Candi” Wilson Glenn
Howard Glenn
Ewart Godbey
Maurice Goldemberg
Ben Goodale
A.C. “Bo” Gossett III
Anne Grant
Joseph Green
James Grier
S. Hancock
Lillian U. “Mickey” Harder
Virginia Hardie
Kenney Helton
Pam Maddex Hendrix
Victor Higgins
Trescott Hinton
J. Hobson
Alester Holmes
Preston Holtzendorff
Bob Hope
Charles Horn
Frank Howard
Lorenz Huff
Page Hunter
Howard Hunter
Victor Hurst
Mary Hurz
John Idol
Frank Inabnit III
Daniel Jansen
Ulysses Jones
Van Jones
Jeanne Kelley
Elizabeth Kinard
Francis Kinard
JoVanna King
Dr. John J. Komo
Dr. Mary E. Kurz
Adrienne Labranche
Joseph Lamaster
John Lane
Hugh Leatherman
Jackson “Jack” S. Leggett
Koloman Lehotsky
A. Lennon
Ruth Lennon
Christine Leslie
Earl Liberty
Alice Liberty
Joseph Lindsay
Mary Littlejohn
James Lynah
Hugh Macaulay
Jeanne Macdonald
John Mann
Samuel Martin
Dr. Steven Lee Martin
Patti McAbee
John McCormack
Janice (“Jan”) Childress McCrary
Alan McCutchen
Joseph McDevitt
Hugh McGarity
Herman McGee
Francis McGuire
J. McHugh
Donald McKale
Judith Melton
Buck Mickel
F. Miller
William Miller
Martha Miller
Michael Mirmak
Mildred Mixon
Alta Moore
Paul Moore
Charles Morgan
Don Munson
Linda Murray
Albert Musser
Stanley Nicholas
Robyn Twine Nieri
A. Norman
Carla Searcy Norville
William Paden
Albert Pavlik
Jim Phillips
Terry Don Phillips
Betty S. Poe
Frank Pollard
Margaret Poole
Virginia Poole
Celeste Prince
Bart Proctor
Chris Przirembel
Jason Puhlasky
Walter Purser
Gary Ransdell
Clyde Rauch
Charles Reed
Albert Reed
Jerome Reel
Caroline Reid
Jacqueline “Jackie” Morrow Reynolds
Joyce Rheney
Orestes Rhyne
Henry Rimmer
Robert Ritchie
Robert Robinson
Carolyn Robinson
Steffen Rogers
John Rush
Ray Rutledge
Walter Scott
Rachel Scott
John Seketa
Macfarland Shackelford
Virginia Shanklin
Dawson Sheldon
Elton Shepherd
Fay Sherman
Benjamin Sill
Robert Smith
Dave Snow
Lynette Snow
Dr. Mark Speede
Catherine Spurlock
Alan Stanford
Edward Stanley
Kaye McElveen Stanzione
Lawrence Starkey
Mary Stevenson
Charles Stuart
Douglas Sturkie
Cathy Sturkie
Bobbi Swann
Kathleen Bennett Swinney
William Christopher “Dabo” Swinney
Lolly Tai
Rupert Taylor
Robbie Templeton
James Thurston
D. Tindal
Ilo Trively
Raymond Turner
Edwin Waite
Jerry Waldvogel
Jim Warren
Harry Watanabe
Linda Watt
Byron Webb
Michele Welch
Alfred Wheeler
Thomas White
Bill Wilhelm
David Wilkins
Jack Williams
Linda Williams
Donovan Willis
Melford Wilson
Milner Wilson
Kenneth Wood
J. Woodward
James Wynn
Bruce Yandle
Dr. Amy J. Yoder
Arthur Young
Fred Zink