Frank Kellers III Volunteer of the Year

Presented annually since 1988, the Volunteer of the Year Award is the highest recognition and greatest expression of appreciation extended to an individual by the Alumni Association staff for outstanding service and volunteerism. This award is named for the late Frank Kellers III, a member of Clemson’s Class of 1957.

Devon Garber named 2024 Volunteer of the Year
Mary Barron receives Volunteer of the Year award
Young alumni council Area Rep & Alumni Volunteer of the Year Lily Eyraud class of 2011 at the 2016 fall band party
Bryn Smith hugging friend
Past Recipients
YearRecipientGraduation Year
2023Mary Barron1978
2022Melinda Keaton1984
2021Lee Ayers1982
2020Jeff Busch
2019Brian Cave1997
2018Raymond Anderson1974
2017Charlotte Cobb1991
2016Lily Eyraud2012
2015Jim Bull1973
2014Bryn Smith2002
2013Sonya Ables1979
2012Col. Sandy Edge1972
2011Lynn West1984
2010Andrea MacMeccan1999
2009Ann Hunter & Allen Martin1980 & 1969
2008Jessie Hood1994
2007 Tim Cowan1998
2006 Cecil Godley1943
2005 Wil Brasington2000
2004 Lynn West 1984
2003 Leonard Butler1953
2002 Kate Emerson
2001 Matt Dunbar1999
2000 Greg Younghans1993
1999 Mary Anne McDonald Bigger1988
1998 James Sweeny1939
1997 Foster and Nancy Cathcart1947
1996 Tom Skelton1953
1995 Jerry Handegen1965
1994 Carol Brown & Larry Starkey1965 & 1958
1993 Mary Ann Prater1978
1992 Joycelyn Hairston Maynard1981
1991 Russ Madray1986
1990 Brian O’Rourke1983
1989 Cy Shuler 1934
1988 Lucille Studley