Don Allen Sharpe, Jr. M ’17
The Clemson University Young Alumni Council (YAC) has recognized Don Allen Sharpe, Jr. of Swansea, SC as one of the 2018 “Roaring 10” – young alumni who have made an impact in business, leadership, community, educational and/or philanthropic endeavors.
Honorees were selected based on their continued efforts to uphold the university’s core values of honesty, integrity and respect and to demonstrate an “ever-loyal” relationship with Clemson University.
Sharpe is currently employed as the Student Services Program Coordinator at Midlands Technical College, where he advocates for quality access to education, strong mentoring to both traditional and non-traditional students, as well as a commitment to overall quality within the higher education setting.
Sharpe served as his division’s representative on Staff Council and eventually was elected by the entire college staff to serve as Chair of Staff Council. He regularly volunteers at the Lexington Recreation and Aging Commission Senior Citizens Center and tutors students in Lexington School District Four in the humanities.
In 2018, he was selected to join Leadership Lexington County, and his cohort has already raised significant funds for an educational outreach charity. Sharpe recently completed his term as a Board Member of the Clemson Alumni Association’s LGBTQ+ Alumni Club and participates in Clemson Alumni’s Second Century Society.
The primary mission of Clemson YAC is to support the goals of the Clemson Alumni Association specifically on matters pertaining to Young Alumni. Clemson YAC exists to connect Young Alumni with the University, assist Young Alumni in the transition from active student to alumnus, facilitate fellowship, personal growth and professional development opportunities for young alumni and formally represent Young Alumni interests to the Clemson Alumni Council. The purpose of these efforts is to affect seminal influence on young alumni so they may continue to be connected and contributing alumni for a better Clemson throughout their lives.