Welcome Remarks from Ambassador Jean-Arthur Régibeau
12:15:00 pm – 1:00:00 pm
Our Club is proud to extend this special invitation to Clemson students on behalf of Ambassador Jean-Arthur Régibeau.
Jean-Arthur Régibeau was appointed Ambassador of the Kingdom of Belgium to the U.S. in September 2020. He has offered an exclusive view of his historic and impressive mansion, designed in likeness to an 18th century Parisian palace, to our Clemson Club next week!
Prior to the private virtual tour, Ambassador Régibeau will officially welcome us inside his home with brief remarks, his first time meeting our DC/Baltimore Clemson Club family following his appointment. After the Ambassador’s welcome, his Social Secretary and decades-long diplomatic official, Gwenda DeMoor P’11, P’14, will take us on a virtual tour of the main floor of the beautiful residence.
The connection between Clemson University and Belgium dates back to Thomas Green Clemson’s diplomatic career. According to Clemson’s biography, “John C. Calhoun, who was then secretary of state for President John Tyler, knew of {Clemson’s} desire to return to Europe, and Calhoun aided the appointment of Clemson as chargé d’affaires or diplomat to Belgium. Clemson was the highest-ranking ambassador from the United States to Belgium.”
RSVP to jackson@clemsonclub.org with your name, home address and class year to receive the Zoom link. Everyone who RSVPs will have an Annual Fund donation made in their name to our Club’s local Scholarship Fund.