Dr. Stephanie M. Madison, PhD ’20 Receives Roaring10 Award
Stephanie Madison of Clemson manages one of the largest grants ever received by the University’s College of Education. The $3 million initiative aims to improve teacher effectiveness in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) disciplines.
Stephanie earned a doctorate in literacy, language and culture from Clemson in 2020. She has a bachelor’s in Spanish, with K-12 teaching licensure, from the College of Charleston and a master’s in Romance languages with Spanish concentration from Appalachian State University.
As manager for Clemson University’s Teacher Learning Progression (CU-TLP) grant, she is responsible for day-to-day operations of the project that includes 19 S.C. school districts and nearly 300 teachers in high-needs middle schools. She also teaches a variety of undergraduate, master’s and doctoral courses.
She developed a modern language teaching program, leading to S.C. teacher certification, that is the first in the state to incorporate American Sign Language teacher training, so that ASL can be offered as a foreign language in K-12 schools.
Stephanie is co-founder of Education Ilimitada, a non-profit coalition committed to providing educational resources and humanitarian assistance to children and families seeking asylum and refuge in the United States. She is a board member of the S.C. Foreign Language Teachers’ Association and former state chapter president of the American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese.
She is a frequent guest speaker and panelist for campus and community groups, ranging from undergraduate classes to retired faculty.