Anderson Area Clemson Club – Holiday Social

Carson's Steakhouse 150 W. Beltline Blvd., Anderson, SC, United States

Please save the date and plan to join us for our Christmas Social on Tuesday, December 7th from 6:00-8:00pm at Carson’s Steak Warehouse in Anderson. This event is free for members and food and non-alcoholic beverages are included. RSVP today! If you haven’t joined yet this year, you can join now or at the door!

Anderson Area Clemson Club – Book Signing/Talk with Larry Williams

Carson's Steakhouse 150 W. Beltline Blvd., Anderson, SC, United States

The Anderson Area Clemson Club invites you to a Book Signing & Talk with local author, Larry Williams Senior Writer for at Carson’s Steakhouse 150 W. Beltline BLVD Anderson, SC 29625 Tuesday, March 26, 2019 6:00pm – 9:00pm Social time and book signing at 6:00pm. Talk by Mr. Williams at 7:00pm on his book,...