Stephanie Sox ’07
Stephanie Sox graduated from Clemson in 2007 in Agricultural Education and then began working for the SC Department of Agriculture as a Market News Reporter. She worked closely with Clemson Extension agents across South Carolina to present the program at local and regional Cattemen’s meetings. In 2011, she accepted the position of Executive Director of the South Carolina Soybean Board. She works for the 1800 soybean farmers of the state and is responsible for administering the soy checkoff program. She also serves as the Certified SC Grown Palmetto Series project manager where she acts as the liaison between Clemson and Carolina sports marketing departments and SCDA.
Because of her dedication to the agricultural industry, she was selected as a 2014 National Top Ten Finalist for the American Farm Bureau Excellence in Agriculture Award. She is involved in many philanthropic endeavors including being an active member of Farm Bureau, a member of Spring Hill Young Farmers, and an active member of her church where she plays the flute in the church orchestra. She continues to give back to the university by being a guest lecturer for an agricultural education class each year since graduation. She is also a College of Agriculture Forestry and Life Sciences (CAFLS) Alumni Board member.