Please mark your calendars for Tuesday, May 23 for the last meeting of the 2022/2023 season. We are excited to hear from the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences founding director, Dr. Jesus M. de la Garza. Dr. de la Garza plans to speak about the School’s purpose and mission, as well as give updates about happenings within represented departments. You don’t want to miss this opportunity to hear about one of Clemson’s newest programs!
We will be meeting at The Hall at Senate’s End again this year. This building is located at 316 Senate Street, Columbia, SC 29201.
- May 23, 2023 – Dr. Jesus M. de la Garza, Director, School of Civil & Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences
Reminder that our doors open at 11:45 AM and we encourage you to arrive and network with other guests. There are many new Clemson friends in the Midlands SC area. Bring someone new and introduce them to others! The program begins at approximately 12:00 and ends promptly at 1:00.
Single lunches or guest lunches can still be purchased for $25. Please consider adding a $5+ gift to Clemson for the Second Century Society Annual Scholarship that supports students in our local area. Our goal each year is to give back $2,000 for the scholarship.
*Young Alumni Discount (if you’ve graduated in the last 10 years): Young Alumni can receive a $10 discount on a single lunch at just $15. No discount code needed, just select YA Lunch at checkout and enter graduation year.
There are two easy ways to join as a member this year:
- Pay ONLINE: here at the Eventbrite website
- PAY AT EVENT: You can pay with cash, check or card at the door. Please RSVP to to let us know you’re coming.
FOR EVERYONE: please RSVP to let us know you plan to attend the next meeting of the season on Tuesday, May 23 to
Additionally, if you have questions, please feel free to contact Helen Mitchell ( at the Clemson Alumni Association at 864-656-2345.