You and your family are invited to join our club for the Day of Service on Saturday, April 30th. We are teaming up with HandsOn Greater Richmond from 10 a.m. – 12 participate in a litter cleanup with the James River Park System. The James River Park System includes over 600 acres of shoreline and islands in the capital of Virginia, extending in 16 sections from the Huguenot Bridge in the west to a half mile beyond the I-95 Bridge in the east. Volunteers are needed throughout the year to help collect trash, maintain the trails, remove graffiti and invasive plant species, and conduct overall cleanup of the parks and the river.
Our cleanup will take place at the 22 St. Entrance Parking Lot (2300 Riverside Drive in Richmond, VA 23225). Please consider joining us in supporting our local community and university by volunteering on Saturday, April 30th.
Email to RSVP. Additional information will then be provided including reminders about what to bring and wear on April 30th.