There will be 2 viewing parties for the Clemson-Georgia Tech football game in Silicon Valley (Mtn. View) and in San Francisco. Kickoff is at 5PM. Please join us. Details for each party follow.
The Sports Page, 1431 Plymouth St., Mountain View, CA 94043
The Sports Page has 3 shaded, outdoor 84″ TVs, with shaded, covered picnic-table seating and heaters (which is where we’ll be). There is an exterior-gate entrance, and an outdoor bar, so there is no need to go inside– though the bathrooms are inside, close to the front door. The Sports Page serves food & drinks. We will be giving away Clemson-logo paraphernalia. Please email Dave Riola if you have any questions.
The Boardroom, 1600 Powell Street, San Francisco.
The Boardroom serves food and drinks. Please contact Jarrett Lucero through the Northern California Clemson Club’s Facebook page if you have any questions.