The Columbia Clemson Club & Lexington County Clemson Club are excited to invite you to Clemson Night at the Fireflies! We will be partnering with the Fireflies to bring you a fun and family-friendly evening at the ballpark. The Fireflies will be taking on the Fredericksburg Nationals on June 22nd, so we hope you will join us and help paint the park orange!
Your ticket will be in the Clemson-specific seating area (Section 112).
There will also be representatives from both clubs at the game, so if you have any questions regarding the club or would like to join or be more active, you will be able to speak with club leadership. If you have anything club-related you’d like to discuss in the meantime, you can also either respond directly to this email or reach out to either of the clubs’ leaders:
Columbia Clemson Club- Cordes Kennedy, President ckennedy@murphygrantland.com
Lexington County Clemson Club- Warren Herndon, Presidentlawyerherndon@yahoo.com