What.a.game in Death Valley last week! This Saturday, November 11 our Tiger football team takes on Georgia Tech in Death Valley as the first game of the day with another 10am Mountain Time kick-off.
Pull out your purple and join other Tiger fans, alums, friends, and families at one of our fabulous watch parties on Veteran’s Day and Military Appreciation week in Clemson.
Watch parties are more than just the game; it’s a chance to be with others who share the love of Clemson, as well as meet families of students.
We meet for EVERY game at all of our locations!
*Main: Highland Tap & Burger, 2219 W 32nd Ave, Denver, CO 80211
Colorado Springs Chapter: Overtime Sports Bar & Grill, 2809 Dublin Blvd 80918
Fort Collins Chapter: Steak-Out Saloon, 152 W Mountain Ave 80524
*If you choose to call HTB for a reservation, please be sure to say you are with Clemson. However, reservations are not necessary. Just tell the host you are with Clemson and come join a table with other Clemson folks!
In Denver we will have a drawing for some fun & fabulous Clemson swag! Don’t miss this fun tradition that helps raise funds for our endowment!
You can pick up some fabulous Colorado Clemson Club swag (hats, beanies, t-shirts). The hats and beanies are starting to run low, as are the long-sleeved shirts; get yours soon! Proceeds support our Colorado Clemson Club Endowment Scholarship at Clemson for a Colorado Clemson student. If you are not at the main location or not able to come in person, please email us or message us on Facebook and we’ll help you get your swag!