Greenville Luncheon Club
The Greenville Luncheon Club is a dedicated group of Clemson alumni and friends in the Greenville area. Their goal is to provide a forum for Clemson to share its message with alumni and friends of Clemson. It is both a networking opportunity and a chance to learn what is going on in the academic, athletic and research fields at our school. Membership is open to all that share an interest in Clemson.
Our meetings will be held at Soby’s, 207 South Main St. in Greenville. We meet on Tuesdays at lunch on the following dates:
- January 30, 2024 – President Clements
- March 26, 2024 – Speaker TBD
- May 7, 2024 – Dean Young, College of Science
Our doors open at 11:45 AM and we encourage you to arrive and network with other guests. There are many new Clemson friends in the Upstate SC area. Bring someone new and introduce them to others! The program begins at approximately 12:00 and ends promptly at 1:00.
Single lunches or guest lunches can still be purchased for $20. Please consider adding a $5+ gift to Clemson for the Greenville Luncheon Club Annual Scholarship that supports students in our local area.
To register, please email us at
Contact Information
Alumni liaison: Helen Mitchell
Social Media