The Clemson University Research Foundation (CURF) Board

The Clemson University Research Foundation (CURF) seeks a diverse pool of external candidates who can serve as board members.  We want to identify and engage accomplished individuals who can contribute to the achievement of CURF’s mission to support Clemson University research and innovation. The individuals we seek will apply their skills and expertise in university technology transfer, intellectual property, business, technology, entrepreneurship, innovation, investing and R&D. We are especially interested in adding to the diversity of our board at this time.

One does not have to be a Clemson alumnus to be a CURF Board Member. The Development Committee welcomes both alumni and non-alumni nominations who meet the criteria for service on the Board. The committee also welcomes candidates who have previously served on other Clemson boards and councils, such as the Board of Visitors, the Alumni National Council, and collegiate and departmental advisory committees. Experience and insights gained from those groups can help to prepare an individual for effective and successful service on the CURF Board.

For any individual whom you would like to nominate, please email with the name of the person and a short summary of their qualifications.

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