Clemson Alumni Association Officer Nomination Information

The Officers of the Clemson Alumni Association are the President, President-Elect, and Immediate Past President. Each of these capacities carries with it a two-year term that commences on July 1, following the election of a President-Elect. As such, the cumulative commitment of service for an Officer is six years, from the commencement of duties as President-Elect to the completion of a term as Immediate Past President.

The duties of the officers of the Alumni Association are generally as follows:

  1. President–The President is the presiding officer and chief ambassador of the Alumni Association, and serves as Chair for all meetings of the Association, Council, Board of Directors, and Executive Committee; appoints the standing committees and any special committees deemed appropriate; serves as a member of the Clemson Foundation Board; serves as a member of the IPTAY Board of Directors; appoints the Alumni Association’s representative to the Athletic Council; appoints at-large representatives to the Alumni Council; serves as an ex-officio member of all committees and each Clemson Club and Alumni Constituency group; performs all duties and responsibilities generally assigned to the office of President.
  2. President-Elect–The President-Elect shall, in the absence or at the request of the President, carry out the duties of the President; serves as Chair of the Honors and Awards Committee; serves as a member of the Clemson Foundation Board.
  3. Immediate Past President–The Immediate Past President shall serve in whatever capacity is deemed appropriate by the President, and serves as the Chair of the Nominating Committee.

While each of these leadership positions consists of responsibilities critical to the success of the Association, it should come as no surprise that the role of President is chief in terms of importance and time commitment. It is estimated that this individual will – on average – spend 10 hours/week engaged in official Alumni Association business and initiatives. Some weeks could require up to 20 or more hours of a time commitment, especially during the scheduled meetings of the various University leadership boards (Alumni Association, Foundation, and IPTAY). The ability to travel regularly to campus, as well as to attend other Association events off-campus, is required of the President.

It is equally important to note that the role of Officer is a volunteer position. Travel expenditures, as well as lodging and related accommodations, for Association-related activities are the responsibility of the Officer.

An interest/nomination form is can be found by clicking here. This form should be used to submit the name and supporting information for any candidate. All nominations must be received by close of business on April 12, 2024. For best consideration, candidates should submit up to three accompanying letters of support. Letters can be attached to the form via the supporting documents field.

Each nomination will be forwarded to the Nominating Committee, to be reviewed and screened by its membership. The Nominating Committee will present its recommendations of qualified candidates to the Alumni Board of Directors, and the election of new Directors will take place during the Board of Directors meeting in the Spring in Clemson.

For more information on the duties and responsibilities of a Director of the Alumni Association Board, or for general inquiries on the nominations and selection process, please contact Wil Brasington,